Choose between either a full day's seminar covering advanced techniques of the big 3 disciplines in powerlifting, or just a single lift - Squat, Bench Press or Deadlift.
All seminars are part presentation and part practical, aiming for attendees to leave with a deeper understanding and the ability to coach and program effectively.

Strength Mastery
A full days seminar covering advanced techniques of the big 3 disciplines in powerlifting Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.
Part presentation and part practical. The aim of the seminar is for all attendees to leave with a deeper understanding of the 3 powerlifting disciplines, giving them the tools and ability to coach and program effectively.

Squat Mastery
3 Hour Coaching Clinic
regarding the optimal
techniques, coaching points
and developmental exercises
for the Squat.

Bench Press
3 Hour Coaching Clinic
regarding the optimal
techniques, coaching points
and developmental exercises
for the Bench Press.

3 Hour Coaching Clinic
regarding the optimal techniques, coaching points and developmental exercises for the Deadlift.


949 strength provides a series of guest lectures, aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Presented by Rob Palmer, the series draws from his 20 years experience in both elite Rugby Union and Powerlifting. Students will gain applied knowledge of strength training to take into their coaching practice.

Powerlifting Advanced Basics
(Competitive techniques of the big 3)

Powerlifting Programming and
Periodisation (Macro, Meso, Micro)

Maximal Strength Training

Strength and Power Training in Rugby

Transfer of Training in Sport

Building a Performance Program and Team

Special Methods - Squat

Special Methods - Bench Press

Special Methods - Deadlift

Rehabilitation Strength and Conditioning - Practical Applications